
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tuer adi­pi­scing elit, sed diam nonum­my nibh ut lao­reet dolo­re dolo­re magna.

Foun­ded in 1998

The first School of Music ope­ned in New York by Robert Paul and his wife Ria­na. Robert trai­ned to be a musi­ci­an and star­ted his care­er tea­ching music and dancing to col­lege prep students.

Expan­si­on 2010

School of dancing and music moved to a new buil­ding loca­ted on French Street. Sin­ce then it has ope­ned 8 more in New York, as well as 5 in Euro­pe and 2 in Canada!

Anni­ver­sa­ry 2018

School of music cele­bra­ted its 20th Anni­ver­sa­ry and recei­ved a pres­ti­gious Award for con­tri­bu­ti­on in crea­ti­ve deve­lo­p­ment and education.

Visit us today!

Cor­ner Of, 155 Frank­lin St,
Green­point Ave, Brooklyn
Mon-Fri: 8 AM — 5 PM
Sat-Sun: 8 AM — 2 PM
+234 456 7890
+2342 5446 67

Mo, Di und Do: 11.00 — 13.00 Uhr
Mi: 11.00 — 15.00 Uhr
Fr: Sekre­ta­ri­at nicht besetzt