Crea­te your web­site with blocks

“Roses Tremieres” by Berthe Morisot
“In the Bois de Boulogne” by Berthe Morisot
“Young Woman in Mauve” by Berthe Morisot

Add block patterns

Block pat­terns are pre-desi­gned groups of blocks. To add one, sel­ect the Add Block but­ton [+] in the tool­bar at the top of the edi­tor. Switch to the Pat­terns tab under­neath the search bar, and choo­se a pattern.

Frame your images

Twen­ty Twen­ty-One includes sty­lish bor­ders for your con­tent. With an Image block sel­ec­ted, open the “Styl­es” panel within the Edi­tor side­bar. Sel­ect the “Frame” block style to acti­va­te it.

Over­lap columns

Twen­ty Twen­ty-One also includes an over­lap style for column blocks. With a Colum­ns block sel­ec­ted, open the “Styl­es” panel within the Edi­tor side­bar. Choo­se the “Over­lap” block style to try it out.


Mo, Di und Do: 11.00 — 13.00 Uhr
Mi: 11.00 — 15.00 Uhr
Fr: Sekre­ta­ri­at nicht besetzt